Right of Withdrawal
Returns & Exchange
Du kan tilbakevise en kjøpsavtale for et produkt uten å oppgi grunner i en refleksjonsperiode på 14 dager. Les om din angrerett i våre Vilkår og Betingelser, artikkel 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
- Complete the form below if you wish to withdraw from your purchase
- Send us the form within 14 days of your purchase, and you will receive instructions for the return shipment (press the 'Send' button)
- Print out the form and include it in the return package (press the 'Print' button)
Jungle Gym B.V.
Valschermkade 18
1059 CD Amsterdam
For all other products please contact our Customer Service.
The undersigned gives hereby notice that he/she would like to withdraw from the contract of purchase of the following goods, sold by Jungle Gym under the following references: